Saturday, February 28, 2009

We like to call em..."Rolamelts"

Thank you to my sweet friend Melissa H. who has a love for the "sweet & salty". I truly believe we were sisters in another life somewhere.....She knows what I LOVE and here's one of the best little inventions that she has ever shared with me:
Here is what you'll need:
1 package of Butter Snap Pretzels
1 Package of Rolos
1 package of Mini Marshmallow
1 package of pecan halves
and your kids..cause these are EASY EASY to make!!
First, preheat your oven to 350, get a cookie sheet, and put those kids to work!
Have them lay out the "Butter Snaps".

Then place a Rolo on top of the Butter Snap.
On top of the Rolo, place a Mini Marshmallow.

They are now ready for some sweet melting!
Place the pan in the oven for about 3-4 minutes.
Watch the marshmallows and as soon as they start to swell just a little, take them out immediately and place the pecan on top of the marshmallow.
(Just a little trial and error tip: If you keep them in the oven too terribly long, the marshmallow coating will harden and the pecan won't stick).

Ahhh! These little babies are pure sweet & salty heaven!
So Roll-on to the store and pick up some Rolos...and enjoy!
I promise you-you will!!


Welcome To My Loud Life said...

Love it! I am going to have to try that as our 'Monday Craft Treat' for the little ones! Thanks for sharing it!

Kara Prater said...

Those look yummo! Still trying to figure out why my sister hasn't revealed these to me??? :) Thanks for a new treat idea.