I have been on somewhat of a blogging vacation as the summer started off with a bang!
The last week of school mom had a big surgery and I captured all of the excitement (with her permission) that I could on my new iPhone, which explains why I took a "blogging vacation"......I just now figured out how to put my pictures from my phone onto the computer! Just call me the Computer Whiz Kid!!
So here is Mom's Big Surgery Adventure as captured on my phone.......
After surgery was over, an afternoon on a vent and a few days in ICU caught us all off guard a little, as I kept telling her, "this won't be any big deal!"
wooops! Nurse Know-It-All strikes again!

This little button that administered her pain medicine quickly became her best friend for the 1st few days.

From where I sat most of the time, the view wasn't too exciting,

Just lots of pumps, buttons, buzzers, and a mom who was always asleep OR awake talking "crazy"!

The girls came to visit their Nana, to try and cheer her up....

as she received a couple of blood transfusions.

BUT....she was usually in no mood for our humor and we were all quickly booted to the waiting room, where we did alot of fake smiling as we......

watched others who were also sharing the waiting room with us.

We got plenty of time to play with all the new phone apps....

while mom slept ........

and slept some more.

I vote St. Paul as one of the BEST hospitals that I have ever been into, but with the WORST chairs ever!

After 9 days in the hospital, we finally got to pack up all of her exciting hospital gear and take her home!

Hallie was first to get Nana whipped back into shape in the hair and make up department.....

We are all so glad that that ordeal is over and that our Nana is back to her old self again!

We love you Nana and glad that you are WELL!