Thursday, April 21, 2011

On My Mind This Second.

If this dog eats one more sock, and then throws it up, I'm gonna scream.

Marci, who is in surgery right now getting her appendix out.

So glad my 4 day work week went well and I am off tomorrow.

Do I have anything green to wear tomorrow?

Will I get up at 5 or 5:30 tomorrow morning?

Can't wait to take MO to the vet and Abby to the groomer and CLEAN THIS HOUSE tomorrow dog and kid free!

Tomorrow is GOOD FRIDAY!

Tomorrow is EARTH DAY!

Tomorrow is WALK TO SCHOOL DAY! (we walk to school EVERY DAY!?)

What will we all wear on Easter?

Will I get my Easter cards in the mail on time?

These are just a few things on my mind this second.

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