Sunday, November 30, 2008

Blonde Joke? or "Ya just might be a Redneck if"...??

"How many blondes does it take to hold down a 5 year old to remove her stitches?" OR....

"Ya just might be a redneck if 2 purty blondes are wrestlin' the 5 year old on the Thanksgiving dinner table to get them stitches out!"

I think it could go either way here!!??

But we did all live happily ever after..........................


Kara Prater said...

I was wondering how the stitch removal went????
Well.... that just answered my question! he he :) The first picture is hilarious of you all.

Cruson Crew said...

Yep, it didn't take us long to see we needed a harder surface to pin her down on!! haha!! Poor gal!!