Sunday, November 23, 2008


Dad and the girls just returned from a 3-day hunting trip! They came barreling in with story after story, the stinkiest little bodies a mom has ever smelled, and a couple of really good tummy aches from the BIG DQ Steakfinger Baskets they had inhaled on their way home!

Hallie said, "Look mom! I didn't even need all those extra undies that you packed me, I still have these on from Thursday!" Now myself, the one with the upset tummy, marched their little nasty selves to the showers while Glen downloaded a couple of photos from the weekend....

Now is it just me or does it look like a few rules (ok, maybe even a law or two) may have been broken.....if she is in the driver's seat and she is in the passenger's seat...WHO IS IN THE BACK SNAPPING THE PICTURE?!! HOLY COW!! As a matter of fact, Riley did "hit" a cow with the truck, but the cow was fine and in turn, head butted her back!
A "G with an O, an O with a D, a T with an I, and a M and a E" was had by all!!!!

1 comment:

Welcome To My Loud Life said...

OK that was laugh out loud funny! I love it that your girls have so much fun with their dad hunting (and driving). Did they kill anything? All I saw were the DQ boxes they brought home...