My 2009 Top Ten Thankful List
1. The "Low Balance Alert" emails that I get from my friendly bank warning me "it's getting close"!
2. Online banking that makes it easy to make transfers from here to there when I receive those "alerts"!
3. My Lifetime Fitness Membership card in my wallet next to my Driver's License that makes it look like I work out.
4. Spanx!
5. The speaker phone on my cell phone so I can keep talking in those school zones!
6. Market Street's Thanksgiving promotion: "Get a Free Turkey for every $100 you spend!"
Lucky me has (3) turkeys worth $300 just waiting to be cooked!!
7. That we live in a country where we have Presidential elections every 4 that's some "Hope & Change" to look forward to......(only 1080 days to go)!
8. The Kardashian easy way to teach my girls HOW NOT TO ACT!
9. A good pair of tweezers!
10. Stouffer's.......the meal that makes me look like I've been cooking all day!
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