Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Girly-Girl days are gone...I smell Huntin' Season!

Uh-OH! The air is turning cooler, the leaves are just about to fall, and football is in full swing.....eeeek.....I smell huntin' season! When my girls start to smell this kind of's all over!!! My darling days of taking them to the mall for some shopping, flat ironed, fruity smelling hair, polished nails fresh from a day of mani-pedis, nutritious (well sorta, I try??!) meals at night, comfy-cozy nights in warm, fluffy beds with clean & fresh sheets........hmmmm....Summer is officially over and now....Fall is Dad's turn..........weekends of sleeping in "the shack" at the deer lease on cots, driving the truck solo around the lease with dad sitting IN THE BACK, no baths for 3 days (not to mention NEVER changing their underwear), black nails filled with dirt, pockets full of interesting rocks and stinky snake skins, fruity smelling heads that transform into campfire scented, tick-living quarters. Not to mention dinners of Smores with Breece's delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies on the side, brushing their teeth---Heck! even bringing a toothbrush?? Forgeta bout it!! .... and through this fabulous season that I have all to myself....the only job I have is to remember this phrase that has become quite famous at our house through the years....."MOM! What happens at the deer lease STAYS at the deer lease!" (Well, and be ready for some "tick-searchin" and the mounds of laundry heading my way on Sunday nights!)

I have to proudly say, this priceless time with DAD---my girls seem to enjoy it alot more than their squeaky, clean, polished summer time with mom!

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