Day #7....
X..tra HOT weather!
M..any hours of waiting!
E..xtreme Makeover Host TY!
M..any Policemen!
A..very large bus, that got stuck and had to back in!
K..iller pictures of Ty & Trace Atkins!
E..leven gazillion water bottles!
V..ery red in the face kids!
E..mpty limos again and again!!
R..ewarding emotions as the Marshall Family finally returned home!
It was an exciting, tiring, terribly hot, emotional day all wrapped up into one! We learned
, quick, that alot of WAITING goes into making a TV show. When TV people say "5 minutes", expect 1 hour or maybe even FIVE HOURS!
NOW, when I watch "EXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITION" on Sunday nights, uhhh....I know that the
limo that is shown pulling up is really empty, they taped a fake limo like 4 times coming in, and not when the real one rolled up.....the crowds that are screaming are really just screaming and jumping up & down for a cameraman asking them to do so......when Ty says, "Hey Bus Driver!......" or in our case..FORGETS to say, "Hey Bus Driver!"....they do alot of retakes, while the family waits patiently to see their new home!! I also learned that.......
The family is really surprised when the house is finally revealed and the tears start to gush as you see what the past 7 days really means to such a deserving family!
It was an experience I will forever remember and I hope my girls will too. I am still in awe of Glen and Brandon at their skill, talent, and dedication to this amazing project!
Are you EXTREMELY tired of this story yet? NEVER FEAR, only one more day as I end it with some EXTREME FINAL THOUGHTS! Stay tuned........
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