Thursday, May 14, 2009


This morning was Beauty Shop Day! I go about every 4-6 months depending on my bank account, how much time I have on my hands, and how really bad my roots are. #1. It's expensive (my husband always reminds me I'm in the wrong business when he reviews the checks and sees the amount that was written to my "Hair Magician") #2. It takes a while and #3. SEE!! My roots were way bad!

I am not really sure what my natural hue is, as I have been an ongoing hair coloring project since the early 80's! My darling Aunt started pulling those tiny hairs through that plastic cap with her fine needle when I was in the 7th grade! Like I said, this project has been O-N-G-O-I-N-G for Y-E-A-R-S.

But today, I not only had the inkling to get these roots shaped up, but also to get a new Summer Do. I walk-in talking about wanting extensions with the owner and leave...well..... I'll show that in a minute.

As I'm processing under the dryer I usually fumble through a Hair Magazine, which is always dangerous for me, because I usually find a much envied cute style on Heidi Klum or Carrie Underwood. Then I somehow believe I would magically become them if I only had their luscious coiffure. Sure, my "Hair Magician" can TRY to get my hair to look sorta like theirs, but like I mentioned she is only a "HAIR MAGICIAN", not a face magician or a cellulite, skinny body MAGICIAN! So I go away with a great haircut, but disappointed in my inability to sing like Carrie or strut the catwalk for Victoria's Secret without jiggling!

Today's magazine was quite entertaining and I figured I would just be skimming the pages and still be leaving with only my lighter, usual, mom in her late 30's boring I thumbed through.....

I found this one.....errrrr?? Nope., thanks, no need for a "bump-it" today.

Then there was this Saurday Night Live-looking delight....

and I already look like this in the mornings! (No thank you Ms. Kate Gosselin!)

And then I flipped over to this....Good grief, wonder what sleazy salon this is..& he really doing her hair or what??!! (I totally swear this was a Hair Style Magazine!)

Finally, I got to the end of this book of crazy hair and found one I really really liked...but dang! everyone around me, by this time, had started to stare at me shooting pictures of this magazine, so before I could get a shot of "THE STYLE", I quietly tucked higher up into my dryer and put my phone/camera you'll just have to trust sorta looks like the picture, after all, she is my "HAIR MAGICIAN"!

Introducing my new Summer Do!
Ms. Heidi Klum eat your little pregnant-again heart out!

1 comment:

Kara Prater said...

Love it! I am thinking about cutting my short and lighten it up.
Don't know, don't know. But you have inspired me to do a change. ;)